How Nerve Blocks Can Stop Your Pain?

If you suffer from chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Simple everyday tasks become difficult and your quality of life diminishes. Finding an effective treatment is crucial. Nerve blocks administered by specialist pain management doctors can provide much needed pain relief.

What Are Nerve Blocks?

Nerve blocks, also referred to as regional nerve blocks or simply nerve injections, can alleviate pain signals from an affected area. They work by temporarily blocking nerve conduction. A specialist, like those at Texas Interventional Pain Specialists, injects a numbing medication like a local anesthetic close to the nerves causing you pain. This blocks the pain signals from reaching the brain. Nerve blocks allow pain signals to resume once the anesthetic wears off. However, for many chronic pain sufferers, they provide temporary welcomed pain relief.

What Types of Pain Can Nerve Blocks Treat?

There are many types of nerve blocks your pain doctor may administer. The location of your pain guides which nerves they target. Nerve blocks work well at reducing many common types of chronic pain, including:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Joint pain in the knees, hips, shoulders, etc.

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Post-surgical pain

  • Neuropathic pain from nerve injuries

  • Pain from arthritis

  • Cancer pain

Nerve Block Benefits

Nerve blocks offer many advantages for pain patients including:

  • Effective targeted pain relief

  • Avoidance of systemic pain medications

  • Temporary pain relief allowing increased functionality

  • Diagnostic capabilities

Nerve blocks can successfully provide pain relief even when other treatments have failed. For some, they provide longer term pain relief once repeated on a regular schedule. They reduce the need for oral and intravenous pain medications that often come with troublesome side effects. For many, nerve blocks provide a window of time with significantly reduced pain allowing increased mobility and improved quality of life.

Nerve blocks also serve as diagnostic tools. If a nerve block provides significant temporary relief in a particular area, it helps identify the problem nerves contributing to your pain. This guides your pain doctor in designing the most effective overall treatment plan for long-term pain management.

Are Nerve Blocks Right for You?

The pain relief specialists at Texas Interventional Pain Specialists have extensive training and expertise in a wide variety of nerve blocks. They evaluate your unique condition, pain levels and lifestyle to determine if nerve blocks might provide you benefit. In many cases, they offer nerve blocks as part of a comprehensive treatment plan including other therapies.

Getting relief from chronic debilitating pain often takes finding the right specialist. The experts at Texas Interventional Pain Specialists understand chronic pain and apply their medical skills and the latest technologies to accurately diagnose conditions and provide real relief. If chronic pain prevents you from enjoying life, nerve blocks could help you regain functioning.

Contact the knowledgeable professionals at Texas Interventional Pain Specialists today to explore if nerve blocks are right for you.